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Saskatchewan distributed 595 invitations in the most recent Expression of Interest draw

In a recent draw, the Government of Saskatchewan issued 595 invitations to candidates under the Express Entry and Occupations In-Demand categories. The invitations will allow the candidates to submit their applications for a provincial nomination in case they want to secure permanent residence in Canada. The draw was organized by the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) on 20th December. It was not compulsory for the candidates to produce a job offer in order to qualify. However, they were required to file an Expression of Interest (EOI) under the SINP.

One of the primary criteria was that the candidates had to have a year of work experience in any of the eligible skilled professions associated with their field of study. Candidates who had eligible EOI profiles are given a score out of 100 on the basis of the SINP’s International Skilled Worker Points Assessment Grid. The scoring is not random by any means; in fact, the scoring system takes into consideration several factors like age, academic prowess, skilled work experience, language proficiency in English or French, or both, and connections held by the candidates to Saskatchewan. This score further determines the ranking of the candidate in the SINP’s EOI pool. The candidates with the highest scores are then awarded invitations that allow them to apply through regular draws.

304 invitations that were issued on 20th December were distributed among candidates holding profiles in the federal Express Entry pool. The Express Entry sub-category under the SINP is directly connected with the federal Express Entry system. The Express Entry mechanism controls the pool of candidates who want to qualify under Canada’s main economic-class immigration programs. The Occupations In-Demand sub-category is available for immigration candidates without a federal Express Entry profile. 291 invitations were issued to Occupations In-Demand candidates.

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